Well, here it goes-- this is the third time I've tried to start a blog and we'll see if I manage to keep up with this one. (Also the second time I've tried to post this, hopefully I won't require a third time for that!) The second of September seems as good a time to start something as any other day.
I probably should have planned this better. After all, the blogs I most enjoy are well thought out and have a clear focus:
SouleMama (raising a family, beautifully),
Three Beautiful Things (finding beauty in everyday things), and
OatmealCookie Blog (for the obvious).
But why be well thought out and focused when you can be disorganized and fly by the seat of your pants? After all, this is my life and my life is pretty messy, just like my house.
So I'll write about all sorts of random things:
Nutrition: This is my job, but I'm really passionate about encouraging nutrient rich foods and helping people make the most healthy choices for their life. Yes, this may include a processed food or two, but you know, it's all about overall balance.
Family: I'm a wife and a mom, so the husband and kiddos will probably pop up from time to time. I would prefer to be home with my boys, so there could be some mommy guilt going on.
Food: I try to make a decent meal every night. Sometimes I succeed better than others (see above: processed food, mommy guilt). But I'm planning on posting interesting recipes that I find, with an emphasis on quick, inexpensive and healthy.
Books: I love to read. One of the benefits of my job is a long train ride where I have some quiet time to myself with a book. Anything particularly good, I'll write a review.
Dreams: Of course, there are never enough hours in a day to do everything I'd like to do. So if someday I manage to bake or knit something, I'll have to write about such an accomplishment!
With all that's going on in my life right now, I need a place to focus my thoughts. Hopefully this space can help me with that. And if anyone else actually ever reads this, that'll be an extra bonus!